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Welcome to the Santa Elena Jaguar Scout's Official Digital Den. Get caught up on meeting minutes. Check out the Cub, Scout, and Venture pages for information and resources on earning badges. Browse through our Blog to find camping hacks, campfire meal ideas, international Scout articles, and more! Stop by on the member page to see the latest groups posts.

Get informed on upcoming events and meetings via our calendar. Or find out what we discussed in our last meeting. Keep track of what's going on in the group. 

Find cool articles to help you with your badges, read about the adventures some of our members have been on, or get caught up on our book club. It's all just one click away.

Meet the amazing masterminds behind our group. 

Hey Cubs, Scouts, and Ventures! Head this way and check out the latest on what our group is up to. Join in and post up your experiences.


Here's the latest on what's happening with the Santa Elena Jaguar Scouts #27


Take a peak through the years of Santa Elena Jaguar Scouts. Look just how far we've come! So many faces...

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