courtesy Animated Knots and 101 Knots
The sheepshank knot is mostly used to shorten a length of rope temporarily. Not being a stable knot, it falls apart under too heavy or too little load. The Sheepshank Knot should be avoided! With the possible exceptions below, the Sheepshank should never be used. It is only included here because it is a requirement in the Scout's handbook.
Possible Exceptions: A modern neckband can be a closed loop with no access to the ends. If your neckband is too long, the Sheepshank may be used to shorten it.
Flip through the slideshow to learn how to tie a Sheep Shank Knot
Fold the rope to approximately the desired new length. Form a Half Hitch in one standing end, drop it over the adjacent bight, and tighten it. Form a Half Hitch in the other standing end, drop it over its adjacent bight, and then tighten it too. Apply the load carefully.